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Wire Poppies for the Garden


Wire poppies for your home and your garden,

Saturday 21st June, 10am - 4.30pm, £65

Learn to create flowers using wire and create a selection of poppies and poppy seedheads.

In the morning you will learn the technique and create a lovely collection of 3 or 4 small poppies and poppy seedheads. We'll then go big in the afternoon when you'll get to create a large poppy and a poppy seedhead, perfect for your garden.

Alternatively, you could create a Wire poppy trellis, incorporating a variety of sized flowers, and wires, forming a fabulous colourful backdrop in your garden all year round. Perfect for return poppy makers! (If you've done this workshop before and would like to return to make some trellising, use Code MHALUMNIPOPPIES to receive a £10 discount, making the day's session a bargain price of £55 including lunch and materials)

The workshop is suitable for anyone and is a nice introduction to learning basic metalwork and jewellery making skills. On this wire flower workshop, you will learn to make poppies and poppy seed heads and will be provided with a selection of different wires to develop your designs in. All the materials are supplied, and you’ll get a handout to remind you of how to do the basics as well as suggestions for suppliers.

The workshop is with Anna Roebuck, who began to develop the wire flowers in response to a Remembrance Day commission and has since gone on to explore making different types of flowers out of wire.

This is an ideal workshop for a group booking so gather together a few friends and have a Crafty Get Together, here at The Making House or Anna can come to you. For more details e.mail Anna via [email protected]